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Core, Floor and More: A Restore Your Core® Class

Wednesday, the 15th of May, 11:00 am NZT (live on Zoom and recorded)









If you struggle with incontinence, diastasis recti, a weak core, back pain, pelvic organ prolapse or are just looking to build a sustainable movement practice with an integrated core - this session is for you. 

Restore Your Core® is a comprehensive core and pelvic floor strengthening method that targets your whole body in order to regain function.


In this class we will:

-Identify strategies that contribute to core and pelvic floor dysfunction and how to resolve them to create more optimal ones.
- Spend time moving so you can create more balance in your musculature, improve your overall alignment and help you to rebuild core strength and function.
- Learn techniques for activating your deep core, so your training and exercises become more effective and your core can support you as you move.

- Look at a few common core cheats so you can start to identify when your core isn’t working in an optimal way, and how to fix it.

My goal is to combine education with movement exploration, so that you can feel empowered in your own experience of your body and be able to use the learnings and tools beyond this class!


'Absolutely recommend Georgi's workshop to anyone with or without a pelvic floor!! At any stage of their lives. Great information with practical exercises to improve your health & wellbeing. Thanks Georgi!!' (Natasha Sue Middleton)

'Georgi is just delightful! 
In an ideal world I wish that everyone that is having a baby or that is having issues with their pelvic floor muscles would have the opportunity to experience a workshop with Georgi.

The language she uses is very open and inclusive. She teaches simple concepts about an integral part of our bodies; the pelvic floor muscles, and creates a holistic awareness of their importance, providing different exercises to implement how to look after them.' (Katey G.)


I look forward to seeing you there!


If you cannot attend live, don't worry! The recording will be sent to you within 24h and you will have access to it for 14 days.

If you have any questions, please email me at!

P.S: This class is suitable for those that are pregnant and those that are 6 weeks post vaginal birth and 12 weeks post belly birth.

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