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Sync Your Cycle to Your Life 
- A 1.5 hours workshop ( includes Q&A)aimed at helping you understand why you're not the same every day and why that's your superpower

Wednesday, May 22nd, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm NZT

Online via Zoom (live and recorded)


While cyclical living is an inconvenience in our modern world and our current society makes living in tune with our cycles a privilege, one of my guiding phases in life is that it doesn't have to be all or nothing.


We can begin by focusing on small and achievable changes and notice the potentially big impacts they can have on our physical, mental, and emotional health. I will briefly touch on hormones, exercise, and nutrition, but really my main goal is to help you understand why you may be feeling the way you are during different times of the month.


Why something that was fine yesterday makes you furious today.


Why sometimes you think you're the bees knees and other times you doubt everything about yourself.


Why you get a strong urge to clean the pantry.


Why you may not be up for intimacy all the time, but if you pay attention, you might notice that there are times in your cycle when your libido is not MIA. And more... 

I will pack as much of my knowledge as possible into this session, so you can leave with practical tools to start implementing immediately. 




"It is so wonderful to listen and relate to so many women. We are all so different but Georgi has given us a space to express and reflect on ourselves and the seasons we move through. The information is easy to absorb and I can feel that these teachings come straight from the heart (and a heck of a lot of wisdom and knowledge)."

"I feel empowered knowing and being able to articulate more about my cycle. I am hoping to be more loving & caring to myself during winter. I am already sharing what I know I’d need with my husband. "


"Oh Georgie, I have loved every minute of this course. You are such an amazing facilitator."


"This information is honestly life changing, I feel like it's something every uterus owner needs to know. "


This session includes:

- information on how to track your cycle

-a brief outline of each phase of the menstrual cycle, so that you can begin to comfortably identify what they look like to you and  plan your weeks accordingly
- self care tips for each phase of the cycle
- time for Q & A at the end of the session



I look forward to sharing this information with you!

P.S: if you cannot join live, the recording will be sent to everyone who buys a ticket and will be available for viewing for 14 days.






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